Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Great News!!!
After I got back from Poquito Mas and Hollywood Video (I also got a Cappucino Blast from Baskin Robbins), I recieved and e-mail from the director of "Awaken The Dead" to inform me that I do not need to do ADR on our movie tomorrow (see my previous blog), our sound guy was able to clean up my lines and we can now keep all that great church echo. I was also told that Heidi Martinuzzi, a fairly famous horror and cult journalist will be attending our July 11th screening of the movie at the Ince Theatre at Culver Studios...this is all great news and makes my day much easier tomorrow (plus I save gas!!!). On the down side, no pictures from my ADR session, but I will have tons after our screenings of "Awaken The Dead" in July!!! Can't wait, it's gonna be a blast!!! (Pun intended)
An Uneventful Day

Well, I ended up sleeping most of today (til about 5pm), cuz I didn't get to bed til 9am. After I got off of work at 4am I did a little painting on the bedroom that my ex-roomate recently vacated, so after cleaning myself and my painting tools up it ended up being 9am. I got up and did a few acting submissions and studied a little bit of Pai-Gow Poker (which I will continue later this evening), and wrote out my rent check. I grabbed a shower and created this blog, and now I will go out and grab a bite to eat at Poquito Mas, then grab a movie at Hollywood Video and mail my rent check out. Then back home to study Pai-Gow some more, maybe watch that video and try to go to bed early. I have a very busy day tomorrow. Out to Van Nuys at 10am to do some ADR on a zombie movie I was in called "Awaken The Dead" (see the picture above), then out to my work headquarters in Monterey Park to take my Pai-Gow test, then after that an audition in Hollywood, then back home and then maybe I will go see the X-Men movie after that...keep reading, I will have pics and info from my ADR session on a future blog...ooohhhh, all that driving, I better fill up my car with some gas...gee, I guess today wasn't so uneventful after all...
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