Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Yesterday's Audition...

Had an audition for a Nicklelodeon movie called "Last Day Of Summer" yesterday that I feel went quite well. However, I was going up against some name actors...I saw Robert Rusler (Weird Science, Shag, Nightmare On Elm Street 2), who I know from my days at Blockbuster (I said a quick "hi" to him and reminded him who I was, he was coming in and I was leaving so I left it at that) and also Gabrielle Carteris (Beverly Hills, 90210) was there reading for my wife/mom role, so it looks like I'm moving up in the world (if you don't know who these actors are I put their pictures below)...the casting director was Harriet Greenspan, I read the part once and she said "Perfect". I overheard her talking to Gabrielle and she said they just tape all the auditions, then put it online for the producers to watch so it's now in the hands of the powers that be...wish me luck and pray for me if you do any praying...

Friday, July 21, 2006

Superman Sucks!!

Went to see Superman Wednesday night (in IMAX 3-D, nonetheless, where I paid $14.25 for my ticket), and boy, it sure did suck...nothing you haven't seen before, great actors that were wasted on this movie (in particular, Parker Posey, whose work I always enjoy, was just given nothing to do), hardly any great comic moments in this movie (no funny sidekick thugs for Lex Luthor), and the 3-D was not the whole way through the movie (there was a cue on screen for when to put the glasses on, and when to take them off), which was a pain because I kept changing from 3-D glasses back to prescription. After all the years of time spent trying to get this project in the air (pun intended), it was just a great big letdown...I think the studio squashed Brian Singer's creativity cuz I didn't see any of his trademark flair or humor in this yourself a favor, stay home and rent the original Superman instead...that's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it!!!

Two Auditions Yesterday, And Booked One!!

I went on two auditions yesterday, and have already booked one of them, it shoots's a video for Patrick Hall, some cat that was on American Idol (I don't know, I've only seen the show a couple times)...thus it is a parody of American Idol and guess who's playing the Simon Cowell role...yep, yours truly...wish me luck, I'll bring my trusty video camera and see what kind of footage and pics I can get to post on my blog!!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

L.A. Forensics...

If you watch closely you might catch me (small role) on "L.A. Forensics" tonight on Court TV at 8pm, and the episode will repeat again at midnight...I also did another series for this company called "North Mission Road" about the death of George Reeves (Superman, how timely is that???). I had a co-starring role in actor friend of mine played the George Reeves role...more to come on that soon...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A Shout Out To Peter...

My old roomate stopped by today and told me my old boss from Blockbuster, Peter, has been reading my blog and following me on my acting journey, so here ya go Peter, this is a shout out to you!!! I finally got around to updating some more blog today, so there it is...don't know if you knew it or not but you can e-mail me just go to my profile page and click on my e-mail link...

Updated Compilation Demo and Fight/Stunt Reel...

I been working on my new compilation demo and stunt reel for about a week now...not just cutting the demos, but making DVD with a nice menu and packaging to look really pro...they turned out great, here's some pics of the final result below, one of which is a picture of my main menu on my TV screen. And you can watch the demos online by going to "My Movies" page here

"Awaken The Dead" finally screens...

We finally had the screenings of "Awaken The Dead" at Ince Theatre at Culver Studios on July 11th & 12th. It was a lot of fun, this film will definitely sell and hopefully be out in video stores by the end of the year...Don Sumner from came to the screening, and he will have a review up for it soon. You can see his page about it here, and you can see some more pics from the screening here, as well as the pics I've posted below...more to come...

Don Sumner from, Me, and friend/horror writer Lisa Morton...

Jeremy Jones (as The Watcher), Big Will Harris (as Grin), and me...

Me and Lisa Morton again...

Paul Monte, Sabrina Tomasi (my manager), and Me

The Short Film Subdivision...

Well, the film "Subdivision" got pushed back and we didn't shoot it until Saturday, July 8th...this is the one where I play the Nicholson type estranged turned out great, I think it will be a really nice short and a great piece for my reel...I'll have some footage online for it soon...more to come...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

My Chinchilla Portraits...

Me and the wife got some portraits done of our chinchillas last weekend at the pet store down the street. Here they are...their names are Pudgy and LP (Little Pudgy)...Pudgy is the slightly bigger one with the bigger ears...