Well, I ended up sleeping most of today (til about 5pm), cuz I didn't get to bed til 9am. After I got off of work at 4am I did a little painting on the bedroom that my ex-roomate recently vacated, so after cleaning myself and my painting tools up it ended up being 9am. I got up and did a few acting submissions and studied a little bit of Pai-Gow Poker (which I will continue later this evening), and wrote out my rent check. I grabbed a shower and created this blog, and now I will go out and grab a bite to eat at Poquito Mas, then grab a movie at Hollywood Video and mail my rent check out. Then back home to study Pai-Gow some more, maybe watch that video and try to go to bed early. I have a very busy day tomorrow. Out to Van Nuys at 10am to do some ADR on a zombie movie I was in called "Awaken The Dead" (see the picture above), then out to my work headquarters in Monterey Park to take my Pai-Gow test, then after that an audition in Hollywood, then back home and then maybe I will go see the X-Men movie after that...keep reading, I will have pics and info from my ADR session on a future blog...ooohhhh, all that driving, I better fill up my car with some gas...gee, I guess today wasn't so uneventful after all...
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