Friday, July 21, 2006

Superman Sucks!!

Went to see Superman Wednesday night (in IMAX 3-D, nonetheless, where I paid $14.25 for my ticket), and boy, it sure did suck...nothing you haven't seen before, great actors that were wasted on this movie (in particular, Parker Posey, whose work I always enjoy, was just given nothing to do), hardly any great comic moments in this movie (no funny sidekick thugs for Lex Luthor), and the 3-D was not the whole way through the movie (there was a cue on screen for when to put the glasses on, and when to take them off), which was a pain because I kept changing from 3-D glasses back to prescription. After all the years of time spent trying to get this project in the air (pun intended), it was just a great big letdown...I think the studio squashed Brian Singer's creativity cuz I didn't see any of his trademark flair or humor in this yourself a favor, stay home and rent the original Superman instead...that's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it!!!

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